Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: MSReserve – Optimizing the Cube of Iron Deposits with Granulometric Ranges.

Generally, for iron deposits, block models have a multitude of variables, making them very large and, consequently, slowing down daily work. In most cases they are models that have the contents of the elements analyzed by percentages of granulometric ranges. Thus, in many companies, in the current didactic of estimation/interpolation of the model, the accumulation of variables is carried out to obtain an estimated value consistent with their granulometric proportion, and then the deaccumulation for the calculations of cubage. However, in MineSight's estimation routines, there have long been options that eliminate the need to estimate accumulated variables and later model deaccumulation calculations. Exactly!!! There is no longer the need for accumulated and non-accumulated variables per range for each element in the model, since the estimation is already weighted by the percentage of the granulometric range. But this subject will be addressed…