2020 November

Bulk Cut Generator

Tips & Tricks Prominas | Bulk Cut Generator

Bulk Cut Generator: Tool to cut solids in a simple and fast way. Do you need to generate solid cuts for your sequencing or project? With the Bulk Cut Generator tool, located in the Op Eng Tools menu, you can simply and quickly cut solids using a set of lines or polygons as boundaries. With these geometries, the user can define limits that accurately represent their feeds, producing cuts or operational feeds that can be used as input in mining sequencing tools. After specifying the input data, it is possible to use the Preview option to visualize the result, in which each color represents a cut. With the Apply option, the result is saved in a geometric object. Cuts can be named automatically using Wildcards and the naming order can be set…


MinePlan 3D Hot Key Assignment and Shortcuts

Shortcuts and Hot Key Assignment: a quick and easy way to access resources in MinePlan 3D. Did you know that within MP3D there is a hot key (set of shortcut keys) already configured to optimize access to the various tools and resources present in the software? The complete list of these shortcuts can be viewed at: Help > Hot Key Help Dialog. Here's an example of what you'll find there: Figure 01 – Examples of shortcuts in MP3D Didn't find what you were looking for? Don't worry. The Hot Keys Assignment feature in the Help menu allows users to define custom shortcuts through key combinations to launch MinePlan 3D functions and tools. The shortcut keys created are defined by each user and are available for use in all projects. Settings can also…