2021 October


Discover the Complete Coordinates Conversion Tool

D&T Prominas | Coordinate System Manager: Conversion of Complete Coordinates (UTM E, N, Z and Geographic) Did you know that MinePlan has a complete coordinate conversion tool so that your data is always correctly georeferenced? This is the Coordinate System Manager, present in the MP3D's File menu. With this tool, you can create DATUM UTM conversions to import and export data. The External Coordinate System field represents the DATUM used in the data to be imported or exported (external in another datum), while the Project Coordinate System field is the system used in your MinePlan project, which is the base DATUM. As all 3D design software uses UTM coordinates to represent the Cartesian plane and thus reduce internal processing, the use of geographic coordinates has always been hidden behind indirect conversions and…


D&T Prominas | MinePlan Schedule Optimizer – MultiPeriod.

D&T Prominas | MinePlan Schedule Optimizer – MultiPeriod. MinePlan Schedule Optimizer (MPSO) is the most complete tool for short, medium and long term sequencing. It stands out not only for its ease and excellent results in conventional sequencing, but also for opening up a horizon of new possibilities. We would like to introduce the MultiPeriod, which allows the grouping of periods so that the calculations are made in global periods, and not unitary as traditionally done, which results in the best results for the proposed objectives. With the MultiPeriod option, the sequencing will visualize the following periods, such as, for example, guaranteeing enough material to feed the plant in the last periods and also certifying the correct mining time for a specific sterile region. The MultiPeriod function is located at the top of the MPSO, in the Schedule Calculation tab. By clicking…