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Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: What is MSAtlas?

Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: What is MSAtlas?

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Are you already taking advantage of MSAtlas in your planning?

MSAtlas is a new and innovative tool that combines activity-based scheduling, resource assignment, Gantt chart creation and custom reporting. It is easy to use and seamlessly integrates with MSReserve, MineSight 3D (MS3D), MSHaulage and MineSight Planning Database (MSPD).

It is effective in both open pit and underground mining. Automatically controls dependencies between activities for each type of operation.

MSAtlas enables the design of mine cuts considering the block model and can map the material route to a range of destinations, including recovery and the ability to simulate process functions.

MSAtlas allows:

· Programming by activities (practical and realistic by type);

· Gantt scheduling (uses calendar dates, times and duration of activities);

· Assignment of resources (considers downtime, maintenance and non-working days);

· Automatic generation or import of destinations (automatically calculates capacity in level and sub-zone);

· Easy visualization (powerful animation that helps in visualization and validation of the schedule).

The tip for MSAtlas is to create destinations behind the Destination or Import From Viewer icon as shown in image 3 attached.

You can choose the image to represent the new destination.

When the target is imported from MineSight 3D geometry, for example a stack, MSAtlas automatically calculates bank-by-bank capacity.

After creating the destination, it will be available on the Process Canvas tab for further work in MSAtlas.

If you're not using this tool yet, don't waste any more time!

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