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D&T Promines | Activity Scheduler – Truck Leveling

MinePlan Activity Scheduler – Truck Leveling: Practicality in leveling the number of trucks.

Did you know that the MinePlan Activity Scheduler Do you have a tool that automatically levels the number of conveying equipment when distributing material?

Short-term planning is one of the main channels of communication between planning and mine operations. O Truck Leveling Tool allows the user to optimize material movement based on the schedule and limit truck over-utilization by automatically reducing excavator productivity.

This helps to eliminate equipment overuse and create an effective schedule in a short amount of time, allowing you to analyze and adjust the number of equipment in the fleet to ensure that the target is achieved.

To use this tool, click on the option Truck LevelingConfiguration located on the panel Project. The tool is made up of two tabs, resource and Haul Fleet.

Figure 1: Truck Leveling Configuration option.

on the tab resource you can configure the load equipments. In resource type, it is possible to define the type of configuration, being Resources or Activity Type and Resources. In the second section, the minimum factors that the excavators can be associated with in each period after leveling are determined. Finally, in the section Priority you can define the priority of each excavator, where the higher the number, the lower the priority.

Figure 2: Resource – Truck Leveling Configuration.

already the tab Haul Fleet it is related to transport equipment, where you can configure the maximum number of units per period.

Figure 3: Haul Fleet – Truck Leveling Configuration.

For these settings to be respected, it is necessary to check the box Use Truck Leveling with Calculates Routing. After making the settings, it is necessary to distribute the materials again, using the button Calculate Routing. In this way, it is possible to observe the leveling of the number of trucks in the project, in relation to each period.

Figure 4: Report of trucks without using leveling.

Figure 5: Level trucks report.

So, did you like this tip? For more information about the Truck Leveling, in addition to other MinePlan features and tools, contact our team and we will be happy to assist you.

To the next!!!

Team Prominas Mining

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