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D&T – HxM Blast – Full control over your blast fragmentation

In pursuit of continuous improvements in drilling and blasting activities, Hexagon Mining MineSight increasingly improves its components. In today's Tips & Tricks, we're going to introduce you to the best tool for planning and predicting rock blast fragmentation at your mine, HxM Blast.

The quality of an blast blast depends on a few factors, including: the design of the drilling plan, the amount of explosive used in each hole and the properties of the rock. HxM Blast is able to integrate all this data, generating optimized results in less time.

With HxM Blast it is possible to create a standard or defined blast model according to the characteristics of the materials, establishing values for spacing, spacing, diameter and inclination of the holes, in addition it is easy to create exclusive templates to load each type of hole.

Figure 1 – Detonation Plan – HxM Blast

As of HxM Blast 2.6, it is possible for the user to link a Reserves logic to the blast project, thus making it possible to instantly assign the real values on the rock massif in the region to be dismantled.

Figure 2 – Integrated MSReserve and per-hole shredding

For a blast to be considered successful, it is necessary to meet the granulometric needs of transport and comminution stages. The cost x fragmentation ratio of blasting by explosives is much lower when compared to the crushing and grinding stages, thus, a prior analysis of fragmentation avoids overloading the crushing and grinding circuits, reducing production costs.

In HxM Blast it is possible to generate fragmentation reports with just one click. The generated graphs follow the Kuz-Ram model and use data from the block model to obtain accurate results. Thus, the user can evaluate the percentage of ore in each granulometric range, and judge whether or not the blast will meet the needs of subsequent steps.

Figure 3 – Fragmentation Report

Be sure to optimize your time and reduce costs in your mine! Use HxM Blast in your operations!

To the next!!!

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