Rua Paraíba, 1465 / 11th Floor. Savassi. Belo Horizonte

D&T – MS Haulage: High performance and agility in fleet sizing.

High performance and agility in fleet scaling with MineSight Haulage!

In today's Tips & Tricks, we're going to present the best tool for controlling loading and transport fleets, with cycle times, total truck and loader hours and fuel consumption. All of this is possible with MineSight Haulage, which is fully integrated with our planning tools, performing accurate and efficient fleet sizing.

Using MineSight Haulage, users can easily design, configure, manage and modify a transport network, eliminating the need to design the network as a separate component or package not integrated with planning tools.

Save your time by skipping DMT calculations by center of mass and creating countless overlapping routes and spreadsheets. With MineSight Haulage it is possible to obtain precise times and distances, being necessary to inform only the points of origin, intersection, destinations, and the connections between each point. In addition, it has tools for validating the routes and destinations used.

Fleet data can also be entered manually or through the equipment repository, with data from manufacturers already pre-configured, and the user can add information on availability, use, loading and dumping time, maneuver, waiting, consumption, among others.

The data can be stored in a SQL database or the tool's own database (local file), with all possible distances, routes, times and consumptions between the configured points. The presentation of reports is done dynamically, with graphics and visualizations integrated to MS3D, being possible to manipulate the tables for export already in the final layout.

MineSight Haulage Integration with MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO)

Working integrated with MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO), Haulage design data provides a breakdown for each cut to be worked, performing quality and high performance sequencing, minimizing and optimizing routes and equipment costs.

The MSSO determines the most productive mining sequence to achieve the highest profitability of the project, generating practical planning of mining plans for the short, medium and long term. This versatile tool satisfies all constraints of quality, quantity, trade and geotechnical aspects, as well as target capabilities and economic parameters.

Integrated with MineSight Haulage, the hours are calculated together with the sequencing (truck and Shovel) and dimensioned the fleet needed for each cut, phase or period according to the restrictions and configured equipment, with data on entry and exit times from the pit, considering the distances covered in ascent, descent and plane. MSSO determines the optimal mine sequencing for each period according to data imported from Haulage.

MineSight Haulage Integration with MineSight Planner / Atlas

You can quickly and conveniently connect a MineSight Haulage plan to our short-term mine planning tools, MineSight Atlas and Planner, used to perform detailed cubes according to materials, mine classification, material routing and destination, mining releases, mine reconciliation calculation, adherence and compliance calculation, generation of reports and dynamic graphics, being able to maintain a database with the mine's history.

Thus, it is possible to assign fleets to cuts and generate reports on cycle times, equipment hours, travel times and fuel consumption rates, making an efficient lease of mining equipment, optimizing its use and work development.

So, this is our tip for today: work quickly, easily, accurately, efficiently and always achieve the best results, with high performance and lower cost for your activities. Work with MineSight Haulage and MineSight integrated tools!!

To the next!!!

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