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D&T Prominas | Cubing between topographies in MPReserves

MPReserves – Coverage between topographies: Practicality to carry out the cubage between two topographies.

Did you know that the MinePlan has a tool that calculates the reserves between two surfaces?

with the tool MPReserves, which has its own menu, the user can select two topographies so that the calculation of reserves is carried out using information from the Block Model.

Accessing the option “Setup Reserves”, located in the menu reservations, navigate to the tab Surface Cuts and select the topographies of interest using the option Add Surface Cut(s). Afterwards, you must specify the position of the topographies in the “Position” column. Furthermore, in “Surface Name”, the user can change the name of the surfaces, thus customizing the visualization of the results.

Figure 1: Surface Cuts tab – MPReserves.

Using the option Calculate Reservations, the tool will measure the topographies, generating a dynamic table with the results, which can be easily customized according to the user's needs.

Figure 2: Results – MPReserves.

Wassup, did you like this tip? For more information about Cubing between topographies, in addition to other features and tools of the MinePlan, get in touch with our team and we will be happy to assist you.

To the next!!!

Team Prominas Mining

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