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Understand End-to-End Mine Planning

O Mine Planning is performed after a established prior knowledge of the ore mineral of interest. It corresponds to the process to determine the most efficient methodologies for sequencing mining and extraction, thus being the result of a set of tasks aimed at the best use of mineral resources.

Proper Mine Planning is essential for the success of the enterprise, since it is the decision-making process for its conduction and development. Good planning takes into account the competencies of Geology and Mine Planning:


Early on in mine planning, a geological understanding of the site is required. In this context the Geological uncertainties are considered to be the main contributors to possible failures in processes over the life of the mine. In order to avoid them, it is extremely necessary to have a deep geological knowledge of the region of interest through field and laboratory research, called Geological Survey or Geological Mapping. They constitute the first step in the sequence of steps in mineral exploration and their purpose is to establish characteristics such as nature, shape, spatial position, origin, age, evolution, and importance of rocky bodiess (PRICE, 1992). Due to its complexity, it is a step that involves the use of several geoscience disciplines such as geophysics, geochemistry and petrology, for example.

Once the geological survey has been carried out, the Creation and Interpolation of Geological Models for spatial characterization and quantification of the deposit. For this, it is necessary to careful survey of information for the knowledge of the mineral body through the obtaining samples (drilling testimonies/channels/chips), it being necessary that the drilling plan representatively covers the mineral deposit under study and thus has the maximum amount of information about the distribution of grades and lithologies, for example. With these data, we have the basis for geological interpretation, and thus sections are created that will define the different lithological contacts of the body under study.

From then on the lithological layers are transformed into blocks that characterize mineral resources, being the three-dimensional model the most used nowadays. Each block contains all the information obtained from the studies, including chemical, mineralogical and structural information. They have the same dimensions and shape and represent the smallest portion of the domain to be studied. So techniques are used Geostatistics to estimate a property at a particular warehouse location that has not been sampled. The most used are the mathematical methods of kriging, inverse distance power and influence polygons, thus obtaining an accurate assessment of all project reserves.

Mine Planning

After defining the block model, the Categorization of Ore Blocks, Where each block will receive a Economic value regarding what is expected to be obtained with the extraction and mineral treatment, taking into account revenue and costs. Backfill blocks have a negative value, while ore blocks or blocks containing ore and waste can have values less than, equal to or greater than zero depending on the quality of the ore that is contained.

In possession of the values of all blocks, it is necessary to look for the set of blocks that provides the highest possible profit, taking into account the constraints related to the project. Considering the wealth of detail in a mine planning, the use of computational methods is essential, since the grades and their distributions in the model, the properties of the lithologies, the metallurgical recovery, costs and sales revenues will be evaluated. There are different algorithms that seek the optimal pit, that is, that seek to maximize profits, such as Lerchs-Grossmann, Pseudoflow and Reserve Parameterization, which in addition to the economic aspects also consider geometric engineering aspects that must be followed.

Understanding pit behavior by varying each of the planning parameters is very important to anticipate scenarios. This procedure is called Sensitivity Analysis, in which they are multiple pit drawings generated due to changes in variables such as costs and revenues, for example. From these analyses, the engineer ensures greater safety and confidence in your project, since a cluster of optimal pits is obtained where economic feasibility studies that help to identify the mining limits of the pit and seek to maximize the Net Present Value (NPV).

These different pit boundaries are the initial guideline for the Generation of Extraction Phases or pushbacks. The phases will define how the pit will evolve as the material is extracted over the years.

With the definition of the advances to be mined, the mine structuring Where are the construction of access, ramps and berms of the benches that will make the pit operational. It is important that the engineer is aware of the entire fleet needed to follow the schedule of the mine plan, so that the pit has its proper design for a safe and efficient operation.

With this whole set of variables, the programming the phase extraction sequence. Strategic sequencing is extremely important, as it is from this that the maximum value of your project will be obtained, considering the established goals and restrictions, such as quality, sterile/ore ratio, tonnage and other factors.

Like this overview From main challenges in the elaboration of a plan, we have that activity aims at the best use of the mineral resources of the enterprise. O HxGN MinePlan is the most modern and complete software on the market when it comes to dealing with exploration, modelling, geostatistics, tactical, strategic and optimized planning, it allows optimizing a greater recovery of the mineral good in terms of profit maximization. If you wanted to know how to optimize your processes, please contact us. contact with the prominas.

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