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News – MineSight Manage your production with MiPlan

In today's News Prominas, we will be introducing the innovative new mine production management tool, the MiPlan.

Hexagon Mining | MineSight acquired in January/2017 the technology company MiPlan. Based in Perth, Australia, MiPlan develops mobile software applications for field data collection, drilling and blast optimization, fleet and production management and reporting. The company has a proven track record of increasing mine productivity and delivering a rapid return on investment.

MiPlan has 3 integrated applications, they are:

  • Mid&B, with solutions for drilling and blasting;
  • MiFleet, focused on fleet logistics;
  • MiniNT, for data management and reporting.

Figure 1: Apps MiPlan

Most systems generate an enormous amount of useful data, but without an easy method to quickly integrate and aggregate it, resulting in many data-rich and information-poor mines. With the MiPlan platform, it is possible to manage and track all production at any time and store all information in an integrated manner with Microsoft SQL Server. So you get accurate data analysis and real-time reporting. Total control in the palm of your hand!

You can make a mine site association with GPS, in an easy and personalized interface of the application. With a device on each machine, the transfer of data for each activity via the internet takes place quickly. MiPlan is a low-cost tool that offers real-time information, analysis and quick reports. Everything you need to optimize your decision-making time.



MiD&B is the solution for optimizing drilling (MiDrill) and blasting (MiBlast). With this platform it is possible to perform QA/QC in drilling – exploration or production – with ease and speed. Diameter, inclination, depth and drilling information are stored and compared with the plan for each hole. In detonation it is possible to carry out a continuous improvement in the process and in the maintenance of an effective fire plan. One of the great advantages is being able to store information on unexploded holes, launches, plug ejection and other decisive factors in the quality of the blasting. In addition, associated with the MiiNT platform, it is possible to import common design packages, including from MineSight Blast. With a tablet or cell phone, it is possible to monitor all drilling and dismantling steps even without internet.

Figure 2: Hole information in the MiDrill


MiFleet provides management of the entire mine fleet in real time, making it possible to perform productivity, performance and position analysis in a simple and fast way. By installing an application on each machine, it is possible to monitor the activities of loading (MiDig), transport (MiHaul) and auxiliary services (MiTime). With this app the best logistics of equipment routes is easily achieved. It is possible to include the site map to the GPS system with location information and type of material to be excavated. The allocation of time for each activity is stored by the operator and the volume, density and destination of the material can be associated, with greater detailing of the mined block and selectivity in mining. You optimize your time, avoid unnecessary allocation of resources and manage all areas of the operation at once.

Figure 3: interface of MiHaul


MiiNT supports data management, analysis and reporting needs of any size operation. With this platform you will be able to manage all the Drilling, Dismantling, Loading and Transport steps from your smartphone, tablet or computer. You can view interactive charts, custom dashboards, QA/QC analysis, availability reports and much more! You make all decisions quickly using this simple yet efficient and extremely reliable platform.

Figure 4: Analyzes on MiniNT

This incredible tool has several additional applications, which allow location management, equipment analysis, goal management, comparison between planned and accomplished, route analysis, among others.

MiPlan's range of applications represents a real-time scalable mobile production management solution. With it, the productivity of all activities increases quickly, with better use of your time and resources. Save paperwork, optimize your processes and have full control of your activities!


For more details, contact us via email. and learn more about this news. 

Be sure to optimize your time and reduce costs in your mine! Use MiPlan in your operations!


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