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Prominas/MineSight Tips & Tricks: MineSight MS3D – RSI Relative Surface Interpolator & Unfolding.

Complex geologies can pose challenges for modeling and interpolation. Narrow veins, folds, and bent bedding are just a few examples of deposits that can cause problems during the interpolation workflow, whether using inverse distance weighting, kriging, or other interpolation techniques that consider the distances between samples. For these cases, MineSight has a set of powerful tools that make your job easier.

MineSight exclusively offers Dynamic Unfolding and Relative Surface Interpolator, a set of tools that improve estimation in folded deposits. This tool takes into account the distance relative to the mineralization time in the given lithology (unfolded) and not the simple distance from the composites to the block. Among other words, these tools unfold the lithological layers as well as the data needed for the estimation and perform the estimation based on the original position where it was deposited/mineralized.

The actual distances are the distances at the time of deposition/mineralization, ie before geological deformation. Using the current coordinates without “unfolding” will likely lead to incorrect or improper interpolation. The tool Relative Surface Interpolation creates surfaces from a pre-existing surface or between two bounding surfaces that you want to “unfold”. These surfaces can be used for direct coding in the model in order to create z-domains. with the tool Dynamic Unfolding the files necessary for the estimation in the model are generated. Thus, in the interpolation routine, the result of the tool Dynamic Unfolding will be used to estimate the blocks.

combined with the MineSight Implicit Modeler, O Dynamic Unfolding quickly closes a solid or surface constructed through interpolations representative of the fold grade trend.

Geologists can go directly from borehole data (untreated) to full model interpolation, faster than ever before.

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